Wednesday, January 21, 2009


First off, I haven't done anything yet.

Val has been driving me nuts since we got back from her parents. She has really been pushing me to move in with her. I'm not ready. Period.
So, I've noticed that we either skipped right to, uh what do they call it? Lesbian bed death, I think or Val thinks that if she doesn't sleep with me, that I'll give in and move in with her. Not going to happen.
But now I'm freaked. I have never...I mean never...cheated on any woman I have ever been with. Lately, I've been thinking about it. A lot. I feel a lecture from Starr coming on. But I have. And with each passing day, the thoughts get stronger.
So I talked to her. Told her that I was missing our intimacy. Told her that I really needed to feel that connection again. She said she was sorry. That she had been stressed and such.
Did we have sex? Nope. I can't even get her to make out with me.
Then I thought...maybe this is her way of trying to get rid of me. I am Walker. I walk away from all sticky situations. She knows my rep. But, I swore that I wasn't walking this time. I really like her.
I'm putting my foot down. If she wants me to stay, she has to show me in some way. Even a make out session would work. If she wants me to go, she has to tell me.
Maybe I'll just tell her about my feelings of cheating on her.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Where the time goes

Candy is home! And she is looking better than ever. We are so proud of her and will continue to support her because we know it will be an ongoing struggle for her. She is happy to be back with Ash and they are planning to get married. We have never been happier for her.
Dimes took a road trip. Her heart couldn't beat without Laney. It feels strange to type that, and if you knew Dimes, you would know exactly why.
Bruiser has been going through some technical difficulties. I promised I would say no more about her situation. She promised to update as soon as she cleared her head.
Walker...she really needs to write in here. That's all I will say on that one.
Our lovely resident artist, Peace is going through a strange time. A time where her past and future is colliding at full speed and she's stuck in the middle. All I can tell her is to hold on. The turbulence will subside. She is having to deal with a lot of old demons and work through some fears but I think she is going to be just fine. Maggie was a great woman for stepping back and away. She did it very carefully to. (Peace is fragile to an extent.) And I recently met Kay. What a beautiful woman. Its sad, the way her parents treated her. And are still treating her for that matter. But she is very strong. I like her.
As for break ended the day I spent from sun up until sun down on the beach. I did some soul surfing and found another story to tell. I've been writing so much that I've been losing all track of time and going for days without sleep. I know its not healthy but my muse is relentless.
Grandma has been hanging out with me from time to time. Its so strange that she is my flesh and blood and I barely know her. So much of our lives together were lost and will most likely never be fully recovered. But it is nice to have "family" again. No offense to my lesbian family that I love more than life.
I'll try to keep more updates. Walker, Bruiser, Peace...keep it flowing.