Wednesday, December 31, 2008

She said its over

Maggie...broke up with me last night. She said its because I need to figure things out.
Figure what out you ask? Good question.
She claims that I am still in love with Kay. Then I said something that was pretty stupid on my part. In my defense, I was pretty emotionally fucked up at the time. I thought me and Maggie had a great relationship going.
Anyway, the stupid thing I said was...So what if I'm in love with her, I'm with you.
As soon as the last word exited my throat, I wanted to swallow my foot. That was cold and uncaring of me to say.
And honestly, I don't know if I love Kay. I did at one time. But it was such a short lived romance that was ripped away from both of us by monster parents. Hers not mine.
She's as beautiful as I remembered her. Uhg...listen to me. Maybe Maggie's right and I'm just too slow to realize it.
Oh well, I'm crashing from my sugar rush now. I think I'm gonna be sick.

1 comment:

Walker said...

I am so sorry Peace.