Monday, November 24, 2008


Ash's parents had decided to turn off the machines that were keeping her alive. It was heartbreaking to watch Candy beg and plead with them not to. They had to leave, she was so intense. Anyway, Candy went to Ash's side and started screaming at her. Telling her that she had to wake up. Telling her that she knew she didn't want to die. I had to close the door and block it so the nurses wouldn't come in and try to subdue Candy.
I'm not exactly sure what Candy whispered in her ear, but Ash started to move her hands, trying to grab for Candy.
Candy started screaming, "That's it Ash. You can do it. Come back to me."
And she did. I walked away from the door. I had to see for myself. Her eyes were open, she was moving her hands. It was beautiful.
The doctors came rushing in and took over from there but...

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