Monday, November 10, 2008

Mind your own business

I'm not real big on public displays of affection unless I'm somewhere like a LESBIAN bar or another place where its mostly lesbians. I do not intentionally go around making out with women on a sidewalk or in a family type dining place or such.
And if I see two straight people kissing or holding hands or whatever, I don't make a big deal out of it. I mind my business even if I think its gross.
So today, I was down on Ocean and a waitress I had some fun with a few weeks ago spotted me. We talked for a few minutes but she was running late to work so she had to go. She gave me a simple short kiss on the lips before she departed. We didn't make out or try to make a big scene. It was just a small innocent kiss.
There were a couple of guys and older women passing us. A few of them made some disgusting comments that I'd rather not repeat. I stopped the group and asked them if it was really necessary to comment on such a friendly exchange.
One of the older ladies said yes. She said that if I wanted to be a dyke that it was my CHOICE and that I should not flaunt it.
This is what I said. "Fuck you lady. Do you think I really CHOSE to live a life that is hated and discriminated against. Do you really think I CHOSE to get remarks like that from people like you."
She shut up but her friends didn't. By this time we had a crowd. One guy said that people like me should be institutionalized. That I was sick and had a demented view of reality.
A lady from the crowd stepped up next to me. She jumped in the mans face and told him that he's the one that needs to be put in an institution. That it was people like him that made the world such a shitty place.
I asked what made him think that way. The neighborhood bully that used to sexually abuse him or the bible. I told him that GOD made me this way, so in his eyes, did he think that God had a sick sense of humor or what.
The argument went on for about thirty minutes. These people would not give up.
Me and the stranger that stepped up to help defend me finally got them to shut up. One of the men flicked me off as they walked away defeated. That was all he could do. Everything they said, we shot down. The crowd applauded as I shook the hand of my helper. She ended up being an equal rights activist and invited me to a meeting. I think I might just go. point is...if you don't like it don't look. And MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!

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